Sea Holly

All About Sea Holly

The sea holly is a marvelous plant in many ways—it captivates with its unique clustered blooms and spiny-toothed leaves, is amazingly versatile, is fairly easy to grow and requires minimal upkeep. The striking flowers come in bright hues including blue, violet, green and white and bloom from mid summer to fall. Sea holly flowers are aromatic and long lasting, making them a favorite with butterflies and birds—along with florists and every gardener who’s ever grown them. You can plant them in the hottest, sunniest part of your garden, and they’ll thrive, even if they’re mostly left alone.

Quick introduction

The sea holly (Eryngium) belongs to the family Apiaceae and is quite common in dry lands and coastal regions across the world. The plants are upright with sturdy stems, thistle-like leaves and beautiful cone-shaped flowers that are surrounded by a crown of feathery bracts. This unique flower also is deer resistant. Most sea holly varieties are about 18–36” tall with a spread of about 12”. The flowers are considered a symbol of admiration—and quite rightfully so!

Growing information

Sea holly plants can be grown in gardens across zones 4–9. The plants do best in sites that receive full sun and are perfect for those baking hot spots where all else struggles to grow. The sea holly doesn’t much care about the type of soil in which it grows, so it can do well in dry, moist or even sandy soils—just make sure the drainage is good. Sea holly plants develop long tap roots that serve to make them drought resistant and a useful plant in areas prone to soil erosion. The tap roots, however, also make established plants difficult to transplant, so it’s advisable that you put some thought into growing location.

Sea holly uses

The sea holly is a wonderful plant for both beds and border areas, and they have the kind of appeal that’s desired of specimen plants. They attract birds, butterflies and beneficial insects while remaining unsavory to deer and common pests. Sea holly plants are excellent for container gardens and can be used to add charm to indoor areas. The flowers hold their color for a delightfully long period of time and are perfect for floral arrangements, internal décor, dried flowers and bouquets.

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