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Ground Cover Plants

Ground cover plants are low-maintenance perennials that add color and beauty to spaces surrounding the focal plants, fill in empty or shaded spots, and accentuate the overall appeal of your garden. Our selection features attractive ground cover plants to deal with those unsightly spots, form seamless natural links between different plants, and even help suppress weeds.

FAQ - Ground Cover Plants

What Are the Best Low-Maintenance Ground Cover Plants?

Some of the best low-maintenance ground cover perennials include sedum, hostas, hardy geraniums, and lily-of-the-valley.

How Many Ground Cover Plants Do I Need?

The number of ground cover plants you need depends on the area you want to cover and the plant's spread rate. Generally, spacing plants 6-12 inches apart is a good rule of thumb.

What Are the Best Ground Cover Plants for My Climate?

The best ground cover perennials for your climate depend on your region's specific conditions. For hot, dry climates, consider sedum or ice plants. In cooler, shaded areas, hostas work well. Check our zone finder to ensure it suits your climate.

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